Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Doctors update!

So I went to the doctor's this morning to get a checkup and I'm currently 1 centimeter dilated. So Shelby will be coming a little sooner than expected. We had an awesome baby shower at Donald's mom's house on Saturday with soooo much cute stuff. It was a lot of fun. I'll give more updates when I can. but Shelby may be making an appearance at our last baby shower! Who knows. That's it for now. Happy Wednesday!

Friday, September 7, 2007


Well I'm officially ready to be done. Arizona and it's lovely summers has about driven me batty. It's just plain hot outside. Add the internal heater and you get one hot unhappy pregnant lady. Last weekend was pretty good. Sunday we went to Church and saw Mom paint on stage. Then Mom, Dad, Dani and I went to the Diamondbacks game. I got tickets from work, and the seats were really nice. If I wasn't desperate for desert I would have gotten hit in the shoulder with a baseball. But since I had an ice cream craving the lady in the seat behind me got a very large bruise on her leg. God watches out for the pregnant ladies too : ) Monday being labor day we went out into the wonderful Arizona desert at the crack of dawn and went bird hunting, well I didn't shoot any birds obviously, but the guys did. Donald got 5, we're so proud in a yay for getting them, but its still sad you killed a bird, sort of way. I did however shoot my first shotgun and hit the waterbottle I was aiming at dead on. Go me. Then we picked up Dani and grabbed some lunch and went over to the Bass Pro Shops, they have a big fish tank and we got to see them eat. It was weird. Worms don't like water, just so you know. And then we had tasty brats over at Mom and Dad's house.

That about sums it up.

Tuesday I had my doctors appointment for a checkup. All is well in baby land, every thing sounds good and healthy. So I go back in 3 weeks to get checked out again and see how close we're getting. That about covers it up for last week, hopefully this weekend goes just as well.