Monday, August 27, 2007

Baby Shower Pictures

Mykel & Brandon Toogood havin a grand time
Brian, Toogood & Mykel
Opening presents
Tami & B-rad
Cutting the cake

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baby Shower 1

Well we had the first baby shower this past Saturday. It was over at Donald's Dad's & girlfriend Patti's house. It was fun. People in attendance we're: Mom, Dad, Daniel, Donald's Dad Don, his girlfriend Patty and her two daughters Candace and Tami, Mimi, Mykel, B-Rad, Toogood, Brian, Don's family friends Hector & Linda, and Lauren, and Aunt Sue stopped by later. Had some really good food and got some really cute things. I have to get pictures from everyone's camera.


Don-T-shirt (I didn't do it Nobody saw me do it I want to speak to my grandpa)
Mimi-Purple dress, blue shirt, some infant gowns, baby wipes, and some oil gel.
Mom & Dad-Burts Bee baby care kit, 5 onesies, a baby book, and the blanket mom crocheted
Lauren-A beer for Donald, Mango body butter for me, a little stuffed elephant, a bib, washcloths, and ducky pjs
Tom & Kelly-Donald & Mykels baby shoes (one set has mickey mouse on it) Donald's Christening outfit, some knitted items from Kelly's family. A photo book, and two more of Donald's baby blankets, one of which has the Bonesteel Mickey Mouse on a quad on it that Aunt Sue made)
Tami-Got Milk socks and matching headband, and a baby handprint kit
Patti & Don-Baby Bouncer
Patti, Don, Candice & Tami- Basket with rubber ducks, musical ladybug, head support, some onesies, a ducky blanket, a bib, a baby holder for the tub, some other clothes items and two money jars decorated that keep track of how much change is in there, one for the swear jar, and one for witholding information.
Linda & Hector-$25 gift card for Babies-R-Us
Larry & Marie-$50 Walmart gift card
Aunt Sue-baby photos done for a year and then putting together a scrapbook for us.

Everything is so cute and I'm looking forward to getting to use everything

We're getting down to crunch time, only 2 months left! Baby shower 2 should be happening towards the middle of September and baby shower 3 should be happening at the end of September or the Beginning of October. And I'm supposed to be getting a better estimate from my doctor when I go in on the 31st to see when I'll be going on leave so that we can plan a party at work too. All sorts of fun stuff going on! That about sums it up for now!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Test results

I received a call from the doctors office today on the results of my test. My glucose test came out perfectly normal, so there is no concern of gestational diabetes. They also did a test for anemia and it came out saying I was slightly enemic. So now I have to take an iron pill ever day. So Donald will be keeping an eye on me to make sure I'm behaving myself. But it should help me not be as tired, which will be nice.

Blogs for the Bonesteel crew

While I'm not an "official" member of the Bonesteel clan as of yet. I'm still family so I figured it would be good to put all of Donald's and my updates on here as to not completely overload mom's : )

Things are going pretty good on the homefront right now. It's been a somewhat busy week so far. This past weekend was a little crazy.

Friday Donald drove up to Flagstaff to help his Dad get their friend Larry's truck and trailer out of the mud. They were up there camping and it downpoured. He got home around 4:30 am with a very muddy truck. While he was out there I went up to Pinnacle Peak Patio after finding out my best friend, Dani, moved back from Hawaii. We hung out and went and saw The Simpsons Movie, which I'm sure is a lot more funny to people who like that show. I just thought it was kinda goofy. S

Saturday we moved a desk into the bedroom so that we have less cords around the room and have a place to sit down and work on things if we need to. That night we hung out at the house with his Grandma, Aunt, Cousin, Daniel, a couple friends and Donald's brother Mykel and played dominos. It was pretty funny.

Sunday was the usual. We went to lunch at Mom and Dad's and had yummy chili. Fell asleep watching Nascar and then headed over to Donald's Mom's house to eat dinner.

Monday morning I had my doctors appointment to get my glucose test done. I only had to get stuck once for the blood test this time, so I only have one little bruise. Dani went with me since Donald had to work, so afterwards we went to the mall and grabbed some lunch and walked around a bit. After Donald got done with work we went to visit Tom at the hospital to see how he was doing. We took his mom out to dinner to get her out of their for a little bit.

Yesterday was pretty slow. We basically spent the evening at home. The plan for tonight is to go have a little picnic and see a movie.

Now you're caught up to date on this weeks happenings.